
Simply Amazing: "Jaws" Movie Poster Re-Design by Strong Stuff

This is one of those posters that leaves me mostly speechless, mostly with one of those "dang, thats so clever" moments.  Re-designing a movie poster opens new doors since the public, fans of the film in particular, are already aware of the story, famous scenes, and the movie in general.  And I love it when an artist ties together a particular scene or visually summarizes the movie as well as Strong Stuff  (aka Tom Whalen) has done here.  Check out Strong Stuff's website and DeviantArt for more.  And Jesus, I do pray that these get printed.


  1. They are being printed and will be available at the Colonial Theatre in Phoenixville Pa on July 2nd, at the Jaws Screening. http://www.thecolonialtheatre.com/2010/events/jaws-whalen/

  2. Call Kirsten at the Colonial at 610-917-1228 on Mon, Jul 5 and if we have any leftover from our screening we will happily sell one to you.

  3. wow, thanks to both of you. That was really kind. You'll be hearing from me

  4. How can i buy one of these please today? Any left?


    Email dr.scotch at gmail dot com
